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Academic Affairs Office
The Office of Academic Affairs, headed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, oversees the academic mission of New Mexico Tech, which includes all faculty members and Academic Departments, the Dean of Graduate Studies and the Center for Graduate Studies, the Dean of Engineering, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, the Office for Student Learning, Registrar, Skeen Library, Academic Center for Technology (ACT), Community Education and Outreach Program, and Veterans Affairs. We are proud of the fact that our strong academic programs place us at or near the top of many national rankings. At New Mexico Tech our academic programs underpin the institute's focus on science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship, and mathematics, making Tech a STE2M campus.
Learn more about our campus and programs by viewing our video.
The Office of Academic Affairs serves as the locus for both faculty and students, helps to ensure the primacy of the institution’s educational responsibilities, and supports faculty and students in their contributions to scholarship, creativity, research, design and the discovery of knowledge appropriate to the institution’s mission.
The Office of Academic Affairs facilitates student learning and success through the following activities:
- supervises student academic programs and academic support offices;
- serves in the appeal process for any student academic policy or concern;
- oversees responsible student academic conduct;
- leads student learning initiatives, their assessment and, when needed, revision;
- collaborates with Student and University Relations in co-curricular support
- programs and with Research and Economic Development for support in research opportunities;
- collaborates with all offices for initiatives to expand retention, persistence and completion.
The Office of Academic Affairs supports faculty development and success through the following activities:
- upholding academic freedom, freedom of expression, and shared governance while maintaining accountability to our students and other constituents and to our accrediting and regulating organizations;
- supporting regional, national and international conference participation;
- providing and supporting on-campus pedagogical workshops;
- encouraging academic departments in strategic planning for their programs;
- advising the management of academic departments and academic programs;
- advising all other matters related to faculty responsibilities.
Contact Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs 801 Leroy Place Socorro, NM 87801 Tel: (575) 835-5363